Bullmer supports the company Wrapping Solutions with the cutting of face masks

bullmer Wrapping Solutions Atemschutzmasken Zuschnitt
bullmer Wrapping Solutions Atemschutzmasken Zuschnitt

In order to contribute to the fight against the corona pandemic, the company Wrapping Solutions is converting its production. Instead of interior trim panels for cars, the company in Rosengarten near Schwäbisch Hall now produces up to 24.000 face masks per day in two shifts, which can protect against infection.

“It is estimated that around 14 million protective masks are needed in Germany every day,” said Wrapping Solutions Managing Director Wolfgang Schaller.

The FPC1-2 layered face and nose mask is made of 100% polypropylene fleece and has an air filter pocket for filters with copper coating. The “FPC1 2-ply filter mask with pocket for changeable filters” can be washed up to 50 times in the washing machine in the gentle wash cycle at 60°C and is therefore reusable. The masks must then be air-dried.

With the bullmer Turbocut up to 60.000 masks or filters can be cut to size per day. Therefore the deputy managing director of bullmer GmbH Jochen Cramer has decided to support the company Wrapping Solutions in the production of the filters and to produce 60.000 filters per day in Mehrstetten.

“We are very grateful for the technical support of bullmer GmbH. This is a decisive step towards accelerating the production of the masks”, says Schaller.

bullmer Wrapping Solutions Atemschutzmasken Verpackung

The masks or filters can be ordered directly from the Wrapping Solutions online shop:
