Clothing and upholstery industry as well as companies processing technical textiles
Apparel textiles, home textiles and pliable technical textiles
Outstanding advantages:
The STAE40/W50 cloth roll magazine comes standard with 17 storage spaces to load the integrated rapid-roll changer by way of a paternoster-type operation. The rolls can be stored in random order under process control without causing a delay to their availability. The actual cloth roll feed is program-controlled in conjunction with the spreading order. Interventions to the program sequence an be made at any time via a terminal. The rapid cloth roll exchange (unload spreader, reload) in only 10 seconds considerably reduces idle times when spreading plies. The magazine can be modular dimensioned according to customer specifications. For the production of small series and for fast model/order changes the STAE40/W50 offers great potential for rationalisation.