short makeready times and high flexibility
The X-CUT can not only be automated but also ideally adaptedyour manufacturing processes. It is simply a space-saving automatic cutting process.
Shorter product development times make the highest demandsto the implementation in production. In today’s time it needslean planning processes and a clean implementation. With the X-CUTfrom bullmer, realize shortest delivery times and highest precision.The X-CUT offers the well known and experienced bullmer strength which you will find at the implementation of your cutting processes target-oriented, competent and production reliability can be achieved with it.
With the X-CUT you have real reinforcement. Not only for small seriesor prototype orders but also in the classic Cutting everyday life.
Fast and economicalIntelligent cuttingThe right tool for almost every application!
Radically flexibleThe X-Cut processes materials up to 35 mm thick
Extremely versatileThe X-CUT can be expanded thanks to its growing concept.
Strong and compactThe X-CUT scores with sophisticated functions and tools.